+ Tina Pender
Dyslexia Therapist & Academic Coach
Certified Academic Language Therapist (CALT)
Bachelor of Arts (B.S.) in Special Education and Psychology, Milligan University, 1993
Tina has nearly 30 years of experience teaching children with learning differences. In the past, she has worked as a special education teacher in the public school system and has served the State of Tennessee as a developmental therapist for infants and toddlers. On top of this professional experience, Tina homeschooled all three of her children from kindergarten through high school. She has worked with Hoover Learning Group as a dyslexia therapist and academic coach since 2014.
Additional Special Training:
Take Flight: A Comprehensive Intervention for Students with Dyslexia, Simultaneous Multisensory Institute of Language Arts (SMILA), Multisensory Math I (ASDEC)
Some Fun Facts about Tina:
Gardening is undoubtedly her number one hobby and favorite pastime.
She really enjoys traveling, and relishes opportunities to explore new places.
She loves outdoor activities, especially if they involve water!